Must-Have Backpacking Travel Essentials

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When you’re packing for an extended backpacking trip, there are many things to consider putting in your backpack. First and foremost, you need to have the right type of backpack. You need a pack that is larger than a regular backpack but small enough for you to feel comfortable carrying it for a longer distance. You also need to realize what clothes are essential and what you don’t need to take with you. Bringing the right shoes with you is a major factor in backpacking as well. Here is a list of backpacking travel essentials:


Typically, 50L backpacks are the absolute biggest that will fit in the overhead compartments on airplanes. I do not recommend getting a 50L with the risk of it being too big. I would recommend getting a backpack closer to 40L. Even a 40L bag packed to the brim can be a tight fit sometimes. If you are at all nervous about the size of your pack, make sure you put your bag in the carry on size check bin by the check-in counter at the airport.

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Getting a high-quality backpack is essential because of the wear and tear that extended travel can put on a backpack. I recommend investing in a high-quality bag so you can continue to use it for years to come. One of the best brands for travel backpacks is Osprey. There are other brands that are high quality but Osprey has proven to be a leader in the quality and functionality of their backpacks.

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Day Pack

A lightweight backpack will be extremely handy for roaming around for the day. You don’t want to bring all of your clothes with you while you’re out exploring. You only want to bring the essentials with you when you spend the whole day walking so a smaller backpack works wonders. A fanny pack is also an option for carrying some of the essentials for the day.

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Packing Cubes

Having packing cubes will help keep your bag more organized so you don’t have to shuffle through all of your clothes to find what you’re looking for.

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Toiletry Bag

Having a small toiletry bag will help keep all of your toiletries in one spot. Make sure your toiletry bag isn’t too large. A large toiletry bag will become a pain to deal with especially if your backpack is packed to the brim.

Microfiber Towel

Many hostels won’t offer you towels to use so having a compact microfiber towel will be a lifesaver. The beauty of microfiber towels is how fast they dry off. They are also extremely compact so it hardly takes up any space in your bag.

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Sleeping Bag Liner

Many people wouldn’t even think about pacing one of these but having a sleeping bag liner has come in handy many times for me. When you’re sleeping in hostels and Airbnbs the sheets and linens don’t always look very clean. You can slide into the sleeping bag liner then pull the covers over so you don’t actually touch the linens while you’re in bed. This one of the backpacking travel essentials people often overlook.

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Water Bottle

Staying hydrated is still important when you’re traveling. You can bring a collapsible water bottle or you could just re-use a regular plastic water bottle so you don’t have to worry about losing it or leaving it somewhere. The nice thing about a collapsible water bottle is you will always have something to put water in rather than looking for some sort of bottle to fill up.

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One of the biggest points to be made about packing for an adventure is to not overpack.  Bring lightweight clothing with you and only pack what you really think you’ll need. Odds are you will pick a favorite outfit and wear that for most of your trip anyways.

  • 1 pair of jeans
  • 1 khaki/denim shorts
  • 5 t-shirts
  • 6 socks
  • 6 underwear
  • 1 Swimming suit
  • 1 Athletic shorts (sleep/workout)


You want to find a pair of shoes that would fit all of your needs so you don’t have to waste so much space in your backpack. You’ll want shoes that are excellent for walking but can also look respectable in a more formal setting.

Flip flops

Bring a pair of flip flops if you’re planning on staying any hostels. Most hostels have dormitory-style bathrooms so you might feel more comfortable standing in the showers with flip flops on.

Luggage Padlock

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Having a small padlock to lock the zippers on your bag will make you feel better about leaving your backpack at the hostel while you’re out exploring. Peace of mind means a lot. Keep your backpacking travel essentials safe.

Backpacking travel essentials

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